As Mother’s Day is nearing, we are here to share stories from our Guiders, on how they juggle the roles of being a teacher, a Guider and a mother, and how Guiding has impacted the way they nurture their own children.
Since the start of her Guiding journey 3 years ago, Jenny has witnessed how Guiding has shaped her Girl Guides in school into all-rounded and socially responsible individuals. This has motivated her to be more involved and to do more for the Movement. Today, she is an active committee member in our Guide Branch, helping out in various programmes and outreach such as organising the Wee Kim Wee Challenge and representing GGS for the 17th Girl Scouts Korea International Camp. She shares with us how joining Guiding has helped her to discover a new self and also impacted the way she nurtures her own kids at home.
(Jenny at the Istana for a GGS event)
Please share with us a bit about yourself
I have been a teacher for 11 years. I attended the Basic Training Course (BTC) in 2017 and officially joined the school’s Girl Guide unit after the training as their Captain.
I am a mother of three – my children are currently studying in Junior College, Secondary School and Primary School respectively.
What is it like juggling work, Guiding and motherhood?
The challenges that I faced in school, in CCA and at home can be very different. I believe in keeping a healthy mindset – it helps me to look at things with different perspectives and enhance my problem-solving skills.
I truly cherished the time spent with my Guides. Through the Guiding activities that my Guides have engaged in, I have noticed that the girls have matured tremendously over the years and developed a strong sense of social awareness. They have also learned to recognise the problems faced by less privileged communities and empathise with them on the difficulties they are facing daily. These are motivating factors that push and inspire me to do more for my Guides. I actively lookout and sign up for Guiding programmes that my girls can join, so that they can have a fulfilling Guiding journey.
I allocate time to prepare weekday family dinners after my work and spend time with my children during the dinner to catch up with them. Though it could be tiring after my work especially on the CCA days, I’m happy to prepare meals for my family, chat and play with them. When we love, we care. We always have fun and they are always looking forward to what I’m going to cook for dinner.
(Jenny’s Children)
How has Guiding impacted the way that you nurture your kids?
Taking cue from how we at Girl Guides are nurturing our girls to be a socially responsible person, I try to inculcate similar values in my children. They are now joining me for the #MasksSewnWithLove project (under GGS) – a project that sews masks for people in the community who need them. This is an important project as it promotes the spirit to explore the unknown, learn and show care for the community at large. I want to inculcate the values of being kind, to care for one another and to contribute to our community.
I encourage my children to be more involved in their school programmes and activities such as VIA, outdoor adventures, camps, sports so that they can discover their own interests and learn new skills. I also encourage and support them to develop independent thinking, to make their own judgement calls and craft the right decision. I will offer my guidance to them along the way to make sure that they stay on the right track.
(Jenny with her Guides)
What are some similar experiences you hope for the next generation to go through that you feel that you have benefited from?
I really enjoy the time I spent in Girl Guides as it provides my girls and I a chance to make a difference in our lives and in our community through various Guiding programmes and projects. Guiding has also provided us with opportunities to learn valuable life skills. I discovered a new “Me” as there are so many interesting programmes to join and proficiencies badges to learn. Some of my most memorable activities include tent-pitching, setting up campfire, hiking and camping at overseas location, doing arts and craft, and organising meaningful community projects such as service-learning programme with Sree Narayana Mission Home. I hope that our next generation of Guides and Guiders can continue to experience this.
Put in more effort and be more passionate towards your school activities such as CCA and service learnings. You will discover more about yourself; be it your strengths or your weaknesses. You will also realise that you can do more than what you imagine. Stay open-minded and be willing to give your best in whatever you do.
I wish every day is a meaningful day to all of you. Happy Mother’s Day!