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Mentally LIT Train-The-Trainer programme

March 12 - March 13

Dear GGS Members,


The Mental Health Advocacy Badge Programme for the Guides was launched in January 2021 in collaboration with Temasek Foundation Cares and REACH. Since then, the Girl Guides have been trained and benefited other peers through their outreach and awareness campaigns. The programme is also aligned to MOE’s launch of National Strategy for Mental Health and Well Being of students.


The REACH team from the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) will be conducting a Train-the-Trainers programme through a 2-day workshop to equip any interested Young Adult / Adult Leader on the necessary mental health knowledge and skills. The information and knowledge gained will be beneficial in a personal and professional capacity. The trained Young Adults and Adult Leaders will then be required to assist in supporting and co-facilitating at least 2 sessions of the Mentally LIT training for the Guides in GGS.


Please register via this link https://forms.gle/LaPWiPgBGwv8w26m8 by 27 January 2025 if you are interested to attend this training. 


Should you have any queries, please feel free to email me at linfang@girlguides.org.sg


Mentally LIT – Train the Trainers programme

Date: 12 & 13 March 2025 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 8.30am – 5:00pm
Venue: IMH Atrium
Cost: $240 (before GST)


Thank you.



Lee Lin Fang 
Senior Executive
Training, Programmes & Unit Development (West) 


March 12
March 13
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