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Olave St Clair Award 2024 Submission (Guides)

27/01/2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Dear Guide Guiders,


The Olave St Clair Award is awarded to the girl member in her respective Pack/Company/Young Adult Branch, in recognition of her exemplary character and service that upholds the Promise and Law, impacting within and/or beyond Guiding activities.


This award is independent of the Chief Commissioner’s Award Badge, Baden Powell Award, President’s Guide Award and other GGS Awards.


A gentle reminder that the deadline of the nomination of the award is aligned to the submission deadline for Puan Noor Aishah Award i.e.: Deadline for Olave St. Clair Award (Guides) – last Saturday of January, 27 January, Before 5pm.

The nomination of the award is via https://tinyurl.com/ggsoca


You can read up more on the Olave St Clair Award in this pdf document.


Thank you!




Ong Zeng Zi (Ms) 
Guide Branch Commissioner 


8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category: