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Baden-Powell Award Round 2 Marking for Guiders (CV)
BPA 2021 Round 1, 2 Jul
Dear Guide Guiders,
The registration for Baden-Powell Award (BPA) is now open: BPA 2021 Registration
Please be reminded that with effect from 2020, BPA is a pre-requisite for application for the President’s Guide Award (PGA).
Applicants who failed the BPA test for the first time will be allowed a second chance to take the BPA test. Each Guide will be given a maximum of TWO times to sit for the test.
The Baden-Powell Award (BPA) is the highest award given out by our Chief Commissioner to a Girl Guide.
All applicants must:
• be below 18 years old in the year of the test;
• be members of registered Coys of GGS;
• be deemed by their Guider to have developed to their fullest leadership potential;
• have attained at least a Silver Badge;
• have attained any eight Proficiency / Interest Badges.
Below is the information pertaining to the written and execution test for Round 1,
Written Test date: 2 July 2021, Fri
Execution Test date: To be completed by: 11 Sep 2021
Reporting Time: 2.30 pm
Time: 3 pm – 5 pm (written test)
Venue: Virtual
Attire: Full Guide Uniform (Compulsory)
Please note that Guides who are late or inappropriately attired will not be allowed to sit for the test.
The deadline for BPA Round 2 Registration is 30 June 2021, Wednesday.
Things to bring for the Written Test:
• School Calendar (Semester 2 is enough. This will be submitted together with answer script)
• Copy of 5-Point Programme Modules & Clauses (attached in this email)
• GGS Calendar (Semester 2 is enough)
• Stationery
• Planning Template (as many as you think your Guides require)
For Guiders sending your Guides for this test, please note that you are required to send a qualified tester from your school.
As mentioned in the Guide Branch meeting in September, there will be changes to the BPA Rubrics.
The tester will have to attend the compulsory BPA scripts markings on either 9 / 10 Jul 2021.
For every three BPA applications, the Unit must provide one BPA tester.
Thank you.