Training & Programmes Executive on GGS Staff Team – Leong Mang Teng (second row, middle), at the Unlock Leadership for Change Workshop, which provided a unique opportunity for young women leaders to explore the sustainable development based on the United Nation Sustainability Development Goals (UNSDG) and joint solutions, as well as discovering what it takes to be a changemaker and to bring about positive changes to our lives and to our community! Read on to find out what was her biggest takeaway from the workshop!
Mang Teng (Middle), at Unlock Leadership for Change Workshop, Our Chalet, Switzerland
1) What has been your greatest learnings/takeaways from this trip?
Attending the Unlock Leadership for Change Workshop at Our Chalet gave me the opportunity to learn about WAGGGS’s initiatives to address the SDGs. Through the workshops and sharing, we learn about WAGGGS’s involvement in the SDGs and active ways to contribute through documenting our projects and progress on WAGGGS.TheGoals.org. The various perspectives from the participants provided insights into issues related to the SDGs and demonstrated the challenges of implementing them back home. Being used to the concept that Girlguiding is part of the education curriculum, it was an eye-opening experience to hear how programmes are carried out differently in different member organisations.
2) What was your most rewarding moment during the trip?
Being at Our Chalet was said to be every girl guide’s dream. It was indeed a humbling experience to be at one of our World Centres for me, and I look forward to returning as part of the volunteers who help to keep the place running. I’ve built friendships with Guiding friends from around the world and would treasure the lessons learnt from each of them.
3) What are the follow-up actions that we can expect?
Following the workshop, I shared with the 13th AP Regional Conference attendees about the WAGGGS.TheGoals.org platform and how we can become active contributors by documenting our projects and progress!