I was very stressed by the thought of trying out for NDP. I felt that I had too many after-school activities, and I was worried that I couldn’t do the foot drills well as some moves were new to me, such as marching while holding an umbrella upright!
I was not confident that I could do it but the older Sister Guides in my school convinced me that it was an opportunity I should not miss. Speaking to them, I realised that they weren’t able to join last year due to COVID-19, and that made me feel like I had to go to NDP to represent the school and Girl Guides to make them proud.
We have been training for the past 9 weeks, and everyone in the contingent, especially the Young Adult Leaders, have been really understanding and patient with me. Reflecting back, I feel that NDP was a place where I learned to be serious and have fun at the same time. I have grown to feel comfortable with the contingent, and I feel very confident in overcoming the challenges ahead. NDP has been an enjoyable escape from the hustle and bustle of activities.
Other Girl Guides from other schools in the contingent have taught me so many new things and I have made friends with them without feeling awkward. I appreciate all the time I have spent with them as they have shaped me into a better person and motivated me to last through these last few weeks.
In the beginning, I didn’t really have any close friends in the contingent as I didn’t know anyone, and was a bit awkward with those other people around me. However, as time went by, I got closer to my juniors and made so many new friends along the way. I feel really happy that I have found a close friend in Sherryn, as she made me realise many things about myself, and also helped me to spot any mistakes in my foot drills. She has helped me to become more outgoing and to be more confident with her encouraging words.
NDP made me realise that Girl Guides as an organisation is one where all are really kind and loving towards all Guides. I feel really blessed to have such kind and understanding Young Adult Leaders.
I am very proud of Singapore for all the progress and achievements we have been blessed with and I wish Singapore a very prosperous year ahead. I would like to thank Changkat Changi Girl Guides for giving me this golden opportunity to participate in NDP 2023 as a Company Leader.
Karyn Amani
Changkat Changi Secondary School