President’s Guide & Scouts Awards 2011
Celebrates World Thinking Day 2008
Celebrates World Thinking Day 2016
Celebrates World Thinking Day 2012
Celebrates World Thinking Day 2014
Celebrates World Thinking Day 2015
PNA 2016 Submission Reminder
Dear Guiders
This is the time of the year when we evaluate our Guide Programme for the year, and for those of you who are planning to attain PNA awards, this will also be a good time for you to start filling up the form so that you can gauge whether your Unit has fulfilled the required number of points.
So, a friendly reminder/admonition:
- Use the latest PNAA form available from the GGS website. At the Home page, click under RESOURCES/FORMS/Puan Noor Aishah Award /Revised PNA Guides 2016 to download the latest PNA form.
- In the latest PNAA form, the information/verification needed to claim the PNAA points for a particular activity is stated in the relevant sections. PLEASE ADHERE TO THIS REQUIREMENT STRICTLY. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED INFORMATION/VERIFICATION WILL RESULT IN THE POINTS BEING REMOVED FROM THAT SECTION.
- A printout of the official Cockpit attendance of the Girl Guides must be submitted. (in PDF or Excel format) PNAA FORM WITHOUT THE OFFICIAL COCKPIT ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PROCESSED.
- These are the verifications that must be submitted together with the PNAA form.
- Official Cockpit attendance.
- A 1-page photos/reflection of each initiative project.
- Official NYAA verification of awards. School verification of awards is not accepted.
- HQ verification of Yeoman service rendered by the Girl Guides to HQ.
- Verification of clauses completed for each Proficiency Badge that your Guides have completed. (Refer to updated PNAA form, Annex A for a sample form). You need not fill up this form for Interest Badges such as Crime Prevention, National Heritage, Total Defence, Health Trooper, SANA, Civil Defence, Energy Efficiency etc.).
- A printout of your unit’s census. Go to the GGS homepage. Click under E-Services/Membership (for Guiders, Adult Leader, etc).
- Ensure that the PNAA form is duly signed by your HOD and the Captain. PNAA FORM WITHOUT THESE SIGNATURES WILL NOT BE PROCESSED.
Campsite Yeoman Service 2017 at Camp Christine
Dear Guide Guiders,
Happy 2017 in advance!
We have ear-marked 18 Saturdays in 2017 for the Guides to do yeoman service in Camp Christine. Request is on a first-come-first served basis. Details are as follows:
- Maximum 40 Guides, minimum 20 Guides
- To render a minimum of 4 hours service to be eligible for the Campsite Yeoman Service patch (fun patch, not to be worn on the uniform).
- A copy of RAMS to be submitted to HQ upon confirmation AND before the date of service.
- Tasks will be assigned by HQ or the Camp Warden based on the needs at the date of service.
- Dates available are:
- 13 Feb’17
- 25 Feb’17
- 11 Mar’17
- 25 Mar’17
- 8 Apr’17
- 22 Apr’17
- 20 May’17
- 3 Jun’17
- 17 Jun’17
- 8 Jul’17
- 22 Jul’17
- 5 Aug’17
- 19 Aug’17
- 2 Sep’17
- 16 Sep’17
- 21 Oct’17
- 4 Nov’17
- 11 Nov’17
- Areas require cleaning:
- Drains
- Garden plots (weeding)
- Lodges:
- Sleeping areas
- Toilets/showers
- Windows
- Floor (sweep & mop)
- Dining hall (sweep & mop)
- Kitchen
- Refrigerator
- Chairs & tables
- Wall fans
- Olave Hall:
- Floor (sweep & mop)
- Kitchen
- Chairs & tables
- Field toilets, showers, large sinks
- Camp store