We are 14 days away from NDP ‘22! The Uniformed Groups members are very excited to be back, participating in person at the parade!
Meet one of GGS’ Contingent Commanders, Batrisyia Izzah Binte Abdul Rahim. She’s a member and Peer Group Leader in our Young Adult (YA) Branch. Did you know that Izzah participated in NDP2018 as a Guide?
“Participating in NDP is something that I have been longing to do again after 2018. It is a huge honour to be able to represent GGS in this year’s parade. Being able to re-live the NDP journey again is a wonderful privilege and joy to me.
The NDP experience is different from everything else I have experienced in Guides. It is certainly packed with both happy and stressful moments. I also get to apply what I learn in Guides, everything from foot drill to helping others, and being resilient when the going gets tough.”
How different is it being a contingent commander?
“Being a contingent commander takes participation in NDP to a whole different level! I’m now the one leading, instead of following. There are more things to remember and execute, and more people to coordinate and cooperate with. I have had to interact and communicate with the other UGs’ contingent commanders.
Another lovely highlight is the chance to meet and get to know different people, in particular friends in YAs and Charmaine.
Being back here in a familiar space to spend time with my juniors from West Spring Secondary School is no doubt a big bonus. I’ve had few opportunities to interact with them since I have graduated, so I’m glad there’s time during the rehearsals to get to know them. Being able to march with them at such an important event is certainly a very special part of my Guiding journey.
I’m grateful that through GGS, Girl Guides and YA, I can have such wonderful NDP experiences and memories!”
#NDP2022 #StrongerTogether #Majulah