The most significant Guiding experience that is shared by every Brownie, Guide and Young Adult, must be the Enrolment Ceremony. I remember the day I was enrolled as a Guide. I felt proud to be in the full uniform, marching with the Company and Colour Party into a horseshoe formation. I remembered the Patrol Leader presenting me to the Commissioner, who asked “do you know what your honour means?” to which I replied, “Yes – it means I am to be trusted”. Every part of the ceremony was meaningful. We recited the Guide Promise and saluted the Colours -comprising the National and Guide flags – to signify loyalty to our country, Coy and Movement. The Coy sang a song to welcome the newly-enrolled Guides. The Captain’s message reminded us that “each one has a rightful place in the Coy/Movement with a duty on hand, and that performing one’s duty shows up one’s usefulness”. The sense of loyalty, trust and friendship moved me to serve the Movement and other people. What hasn’t changed about Guiding over the years is its focus on adventure, observation, general knowledge, creative ideas, and holistic learning through healthy, happy activities. Together with our Promise and Law, our motto ‘Be Prepared’ and the Good Turn, it’s all about helping our girls to develop in body, mind and spirit, so that they can help others.