Since 1917, Girl Guides Singapore has been empowering girls and women in Singapore to do amazing things. In 2023, GGS continues to lead and make a difference! On 18 February, GGS set yet another new record. More than 7500 GGS members – girls and leaders – stood together to take the Green Nation Pledge to help make Singapore a green, liveable and climate-resilient home. At GGS, our mission is clear: We prepare girls to handle anything that comes their way. We are committed to instilling life skills and values that equip girls to ‘Speak Out, Speak Up and Take Action’. 2023 is going to be another ground-breaking, adventure-filled year. Our 2023 theme – ‘Our World, Our Peaceful Future’ – encompasses our belief that every girl has a right to live in world with a sustainable future. More than that, we believe that every girl has the potential to be a change-maker – this means, every girl can be empowered with skills and knowledge to help create a sustainable future for herself, her community and our world. Our Brownies, Girl Guides and leaders are all set to take action to build a more peaceful and sustainable world. Come and join hands with GGS in 2023 – with your support, we can double our efforts and impact to create a brighter future for our world!