This Teacher’s Day, Girl Guides Singapore is celebrating amazing teachers – past and present – who do so much for their students.
As Guiders and adult leaders, teachers wear many different hats. They give of their hearts, time and energies to make learning impactful and fun, both inside and outside the classroom. They nurture the girls in their care, from Brownies to Girl Guides, motivating each one to discover their talents and their fullest potential. Because of their dedication and encouragement, generations of girls have been empowered to grow into confident and successful women leaders. Today, we also want to specially acknowledge the many inspiring teachers whose Girlguiding experiences have shaped their values and actions in their chosen vocation. They have touched countless lives and contributed to creating life-changing experiences and memories. Amongst them are two inspiring retired teachers, Mrs Penny Chee and Mrs Lee Gek Kim – both of whom continue to be actively involved with GGS and Guiding. Mrs Koh-Teh Yi Wen shares her thoughts as a teacher and Guider in the 21st century. Read and be inspired by their stories – Let’s all take some time out this week to say “Thank You” to all Guiders and teachers – the role models and mentors who have played or continue to play a pivotal role in developing girl and women leaders who make our world a better place! Are you interested in working with girls or other adult volunteers? Find out more at Get Involved.