On 8 August 2020, Mrs Koh-Teh Yi Wen was officially appointed to the role of Chief Commissioner of Girl Guides Singapore. Let’s find out more about our new Chief Commissioner and her plans for the Guiding Movement in Singapore in the coming years and beyond!
1. What do you value?
The first line of the Guide Promise – “I promise to do my best” – resonates deeply with me. In life, we are often faced with many challenges. What is most important is that we commit to doing and giving our best, no matter what happens. We learn to look forward at all times and strive of what lies ahead.
2. We know that you have been in the Guiding Movement since your Primary School days as a Brownie! What kept you going over the years?
Guiding has impacted my life in a big way and developed me into who I am today. Having experienced first-hand how Guiding can make a difference, what I want to do is give back to this community in whatever way I can. Over the years, I have developed friendships with many volunteers, staff, Guiders and even girls. Volunteering with them makes Guiding even more fun and fulfilling.
Looking back, whilst Girl Guides hadn’t been my first choice of CCA, I’m really glad I went ahead and did it anyway! It has set me on this meaningful lifelong adventure of learning, exploring and giving back. I’m enjoying it all!
Yi Wen with other sister Guides at Ayrwaves Camp in Scotland
3. Being a mother of two, a Year Head in Fuchun Secondary School and Chief Commissioner of Girl Guides Singapore, must bring challenges as you juggle different roles and responsibilities. How do you manage all this?
I’ve been blessed with a very supportive network of friends, colleagues and family members. Being able to seek help when needed and when everyone chips in, everything works together more easily. Together, we are able to do a lot more. In GGS, I believe that the strong collaborative spirit and support from volunteers, staff and Guiders will enable the Guiding Movement to move as one towards whatever objectives we set out to achieve.
4. Please share with us some areas you will be focusing on and where you see the Guiding Movement in a few years’ time and beyond.
The Covid-19 situation has brought about unexpected opportunities for GGS. For example, it has challenged us to think out-of-the-box to develop even more attractive and relevant training and proficiency badge programmes for both girls and leaders.
Looking ahead, a major focus is to empower our girls by developing their leadership mindsets. This will equip them to become agents of change who will create greater positive impact within and beyond the Guiding Movement. I also hope to enhance the capacity and capability of our volunteers and staff so that we can reach out to even more girls and young women. This Guiding Movement offers so many different and unique programmes that are designed to benefit girls and young women, regardless of their age or interests.
Yi Wen with Guiding sisters she grew up with
5. Anything you would like to share or communicate with our members? (Guiders/Volunteers etc,)
There is so much we want to do at Girl Guides Singapore to develop girls and young women to reach their fullest potential! If you were once in Guiding or believe in our vision and mission, we hope you will consider contributing your time and talent as a volunteer. To find out more about opportunities you can support, please visit www.girlguides.org.sg or drop us an email at queries@girlguides.org.sg – we would love to hear from you!