Happy World Thinking Day 2023

Since 1917, Girl Guides Singapore has been empowering girls and women in Singapore to do amazing things. In 2023, GGS continues to lead and make a difference! On 18 February, GGS set yet another new record. More than 7500 GGS members – girls and leaders – stood together to take the Green Nation Pledge to help make Singapore a green, liveable and climate-resilient home. At GGS, our mission is clear: We prepare girls to handle anything that comes their way. We are committed to instilling life skills and values that equip girls to ‘Speak Out, Speak Up and Take Action’. 2023 is going to be another ground-breaking, adventure-filled year. Our 2023 theme – ‘Our World, Our Peaceful Future’ – encompasses our belief that every girl has a right to live in world with a sustainable future. More than that, we believe that every girl has the potential to be a change-maker – this means, every girl can be empowered with skills and knowledge to help create a sustainable future for herself, her community and our world. Our Brownies, Girl Guides and leaders are all set to take action to build a more peaceful and sustainable world. Come and join hands with GGS in 2023 – with your support, we can double our efforts and impact to create a brighter future for our world!

Calling all 17-25 year olds !

Young Adults Go Camping!

The Young Adults (YA) calendar is packed with activities round the year to develop young women to reach their fullest potential! Our recent YA Training Camp (YATC) at Camp Christine from 22-24 December 2022 was an amazing time of acquiring new skills, building stronger bonds and making new friends.


Learning to Lead

Having YAs participate in camp activities as patrols is a unique way for YAs to acquire a broad range of collaboration and leadership skills. They learnt to work together when carrying out their duties and also picked up good communications skills, like how to properly relay instructions as part of camp-craft safety. Developing these skills will benefit them in school, at home or at work, and also when they lead and interact with younger girls in GGS.

Accomplishing Challenges

The YAs explored the outdoors and tackled the BP Eco Challenge. They had fun braving the different land and water obstacles, whilst learning the importance of working together and encouraging each other as they completed the challenges.


Creating Lasting Memories

Over 3 days and 2 nights, the YAs worked harmoniously together to ensure their camp went well. In the process, they formed stronger bonds with each other and the wider YA and GGS community.


YA events, such as the YATC, are designed to equip and empower young women with skills, knowledge, and a network of supportive peers to go through adventures in life. Check out what Young Adults can offer you today!


GGS Cookie Gifting Project – Full Story

The GGS Cookie Gifting Project has been specially designed with the dual purpose of raising funds to support GGS’ mission of developing girls, as well as enabling us to give back to the community.

Generous donations towards our Limited-Edition Tropical Bird Chocolate Mint Cookies allowed us to gift the cookies to healthcare workers at SGH during Nurses Day on 20th July as a way of thanking them for their unwavering support and dedication.

GGS would like to extend our thanks to corporate donors who supported our corporate cookies sales and via Giving.sg in 2022.

GGS Corporate Cookies are available at $25 per tin. Orders of 60 tins and above enjoy free delivery to one location.

To find out how the GGS Cookie Gifting Project can extend your company’s CSR efforts, please email ggscookies@girlguides.org.sg.

GGS would like to thank our Corporate Donors : Collins Aerospace, F1 Auto Cars Pte Ltd, Far East Organisation, Ho Bee Land Limited & NTUC FairPrice.



GGS’ December Cookie Drive

Girl Guides Cookies came back to the forefront of GGS fundraising activities with public sales at selected NTUC outlets across Singapore. Over 3 weekends, Brownies, Guides from 18 schools, along with GGS staff, committee members and Young Adults, joined hands to sell more than 2000 tins of cookies. See our girls in action as they learnt new skills and stepped out in confidence for a good cause!


President for Girl Guides Singapore Dr Seetha Subbiah supported our sales effort at NTUC Clarke Quay Central. Ms Eunice Olsen , Founder and CEO Eunice Olsen Media, who was a Girl Guide before, popped by the booth to buy some cookies .


CHIJ Secondary School at Fairprice Finest Centrepoint
Nanchiau Primary School at FairPrice Finest Waterway Point
Sengkang secondary school girl guides all happy after selling out all cookies at Fairprice finest waterway Point
SCGS at Fairprice Finest Centrepoint
Whitley secondary school guides at Fairprice Xtra @AMK Hub
Beatty Secondary School at Fairprice Xtra @ AMK Hub

Girl Guides Singapore wishes all a Selamat Hari Raya Haji

Girl Guides Singapore wishes all a Selamat Hari Raya Haji. May you & your family be blessed with peace & harmony. Have a joyous holiday! Our office & Guide Shop will be closed on Wednesday, 22 August 2018 We will resume operations on Thursday, 23 August 2018

Camp Christine Closed for Renovation

Please be informed that Camp Christine will be closed from the following periods for Renovation.
  • 9th Sept to 30th Oct 2018
  • 19th Nov to 31st Dec 2018
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.  

Office Closure for Staff Retreat on 27 June 2018

Please be advised that the Admin office, Guide Shop and Camp Christine will be closed on Wednesday, 27 June 2018 for our annual Staff Retreat. We will be back on Thursday, 28 June 2018 to serve you!

Change of Girl Guides Singapore Operating Days

We wish to inform that, with effect from 1 March 2017, the Girl Guides Singapore (GGS) Office at Guide House in Bishan will be closed on all Mondays. The Office will operate from Tuesdays – Saturdays. There will be no change for Guide Shop which will continue to operate from Tuesdays – Saturdays. Please note the below Guide House operating days and opening hours which will take effect from 1 March 2017. Girl Guides Singapore Guide House 9 Bishan Street 14, Singapore 579785 Office Opening Hours (closed on Mondays) Tue-Fri: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Sat: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm Closed on Mondays, Sundays & Public Holidays Shop Operating Hours (no change) Tue-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm Sat: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Closed on Mondays, Sundays & Public Holidays We apologise should there be any inconvenience caused and we thank you for your understanding.

Centenary Celebrations 2010

Girl Guides Singapore Celebrates 100 Years of Changing Lives On Centenary Day at Camp Christine 100 Households’ Needs will be Met by 100 Hampers Delivered by 100 Girl Guides. 100 Seedlings will be Planted by 100 Brownies. View PDF: Centenary Celebrations 2010